
Fun fine motor activity guaranteed to keep kids busy in winter

Winter time brings lots of fun learning experiences but sometimes it is just too cold to go outside.  That is when I bring the icy the cold inside!  One of my kids favorite fine motor activities is to dig toys out of a block of ice.  I take a bucket and fill it with a variety of toys and then add water and put it in the freezer (or leave it outside if it is -30 degrees like it was here last week)  The next day, I take the bucket out and give the kids wooden or plastic hammers, screw drivers, spoons, forks, etc.. and let them try to "dig" the toys out.  

fine motor play by hammering blocks of ice

fine motor play by lifting blocks of ice

You can also bring out a spray bottle and a squeeze bottle to pour water onto the ice to help it melt.  All great fine motor activities and it keeps the kids occupied for a long, long time!!  Don't forget the gloves, small hands get cold fast.

fine motor play by squeezing water onto blocks of ice

This activity works great in the water table with kindergarten and preschool students. Although if possible it works best if you give kids their own ice block and a bucket. Less accidental hammering of your neighbors fingers.

fine motor play by using a water bottle to spray water on a block of ice

What kinds of things do you do to keep the kids busy during long winter days?

You might also be interested in the following fine motor ideas:

 Activities to build fine motor skills by hammering golf tees

building fine motor skills by making shapes with wikki stixs

Check out our fine motor page for more ideas.

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