
Kid made recycled keurig pod Christmas ornaments

This week the kids and I started on our Christmas crafts!  The kids love to make crafts and Christmas time is the perfect time to make holiday gifts, ornaments, tags, and wrapping paper.  This week we made recycled crafts.  I love my Keurig coffee machine but I have to admit I cringe every time I throw away the empty plastic coffee container.  So this week I saved a few containers and we made some fun ornaments.

Christmas decorations made from recyled keurig pods

To make this snowman we used 1 coffee pod and 1 styrofoam ball.

Use styrofoam balls for the head
Before we attached the ball I poked an extra hole on the bottom of the coffee pod and attached a string for hanging.  We then made a hat by cutting a bit of felt and then glued the long side together to form the hat.
use felt to cut out a shape for the hat

We attached the hat, and drew in eyes, nose (sticker), and mouth.  We then glued the head onto the coffee pod (we found a low heat glue gun worked best), added buttons and a ribbon for a scarf and ended up with some cute snowman!!

Christmas ornament crafts made with recycled materials

To make this snowman we used 3 coffee pods and threaded the string through the holes in the bottom of the coffee pods.  We tied a bead along the string after each pod to give it a layer look.  The kids added googly eyes, a nose and mouth and there we had another cutie snowman.
kids can use keurig pods to create cute Christmas ornaments

So after making our snowman the kids wanted to make a reindeer so I said sure.  We figured if we glued a pompom onto the bottom of the coffee pod it looked just like a reindeer.  We added some goodly eyes, poked pipe cleaner through the coffee pod for antlers and we ended up with some cute reindeer.

Christmas ornament crafts for kids using recycled material

Now if I had planned it ahead of time, I would have painted the coffee pods brown, but since this was an on the fly type of craft we ended up with white reindeer.  We will probably try this one again and paint them brown.  Goodness knows I have lots of coffee pods around!!

20 days of kid made Christmas ornaments

This post is part of the 20 Days of a Kid-Made Christmas seriesSeveral of the best kid bloggers are sharing their favorite kid-made ornament ideas!  

You can also hop on over to the Kid-Made Christmas Pinterest board to see all the ornament ideas.

Need more Christmas ornament ideas, but don't have the time to search around?  One of my favorite blogs is selling their book which is filled with 30 Christmas ornament ideas, so you can get crafting today! Click on the picture below to be taken to the Red Ted blog.

Find your favourite Christmas Ornaments for the Whole Family to enjoy in one handy downloadable and printable format!

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